

THANK YOU to danceScape students who supported the BIg Band Dance Crawl which raised over $400 for the danceScape Endowment Fund (“Thornhill Swing Band” at the Williamsburg Uptown), and contributed over $1,100 to the Lowville United Church Fundraising (“Sophisticated Swing” at Burlington Seniors Centre). Shall we dance? danceScape was founded by Robert Tang & Beverley Cayton-Tang, former 3-time Canadian and 2-time...

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Road2Hope Hamilton Marathon

Road2Hope Hamilton Marathon

In addition to fundraising for the danceScape Endowment Fund, we support other organizations, students, and staff that share equivalent core values and mission. danceScape and students were key in helping instructor, HannaH Lodewyks, surpass her pledge goal and raised $960 for Road2Hope Hamilton Marathon who ran for edu-deo Ministries, an organization in which she is passionate about.

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